Project report – July 2023: School supplies and food for children in Addis Ababa


​published on 25 July 2023 

We have already helped children in Addis Ababa when we implemented our projects in Ethiopia. This time, we had the opportunity to support the Education for Needy People Association (ENPA). 
The two owners of the association grew up in orphanages themselves and now they have set up their own facility. Here, about 200 children are taken care of by 26 teachers and helpers. The children come from the poorest families and are between 4 and 8 years of age. Children between 4 and 5 years old can attend the facility’s kindergarten and then school until the 8th grade. When they finish the 8th grade, they can decide to go to a public school. In Ethiopia and many other countries in Africa, education is officially free but this does not make any difference to the poorest families as they cannot afford school supplies, especially school uniforms. Also in this situation, ENPA tries to help the families by providing them with school attire and supplies so that the children can attend a public school and maybe one day also the university.
Thanks to our donation, the children received school supplies. To boost the pupils’ learning power, also bread and milk were purchased.


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